Notable and Quotable (II)

“Last in pitching, last in defense, not much power or speed.”

–The scouting report on the Chicago Cubs on the MLB Network this afternoon during their game with the Yankees



Posted in * Culture-Watch, Sports

2 comments on “Notable and Quotable (II)

  1. David Keller says:

    I thought the Astros were last in pitching. Thank goodness for the Cubs.

  2. mary martha says:

    … but we love them anyway!

    My grandfather was a Cubs fan because he signed with the Cubs but then had to go off to serve in WWI. While there a mustard gas attack impacted his sight enough that he would never pitch again.

    He raised my father to be a Cubs fan, and my father lived until the age of 80 without ever seeing them win.

    Now I am a Cubs fan and while it is nice when they win it isn’t really necessary. I like to joke that the Cubs taught me more than anything about the redemptive nature of suffering.